This is a description of the eight Tathagatha (Buddha) Stupas according to Nagajuna. Designed by The Great Jamgon Kongtrul Lodro Thaye and His Holiness 15th Karmapa Kachab Dorje.

1. Auspicious Lotus Stupa
Sometimes called the Auspicious Stupa. Originally built at Lumbini, (modern day Nepal) where the Buddha was born into the royal family of the Shakya dynasty and named Prince Siddhartha Gautama.
Lotus petalled, it has four or sometimes seven levels.

2. Enlightenment Stupa
By practicing austerity for six years near the Niranjana river, Gautama Buddha attained enlightenment under the Bodhi tree in Maghadaya. This is the Enlightenment Stupa and it has four square levels.

3. Multiple Door Stupa
It has four ascending square levels with doors. The elaborate version has 108 doors, the medium 56 doors and the simplest version has 16 doors.

4. Miracle Stupa
Originally built in the Perfumed Garden of Sravitti, India. It is sometimes called Subjugating Evil Stupa or Miracle Stupa. It is square with four ascending levels.

5. Descent from Heaven Stupa
Built at Sankashya in the Vaishali region of India.
During the three month period of rains retreat taking place in Tushita Heaven, the Buddha paid respect to his mother Queen Mayadevi by teaching. He returned to earth and this is the Descent from Heaven Stupa. The ascending levels have a central staircase.

6. Reconciled Stupa
Built at Rajagriha, India.
There had been disharmony among the Sangha caused by Dewadhartu. The two principle disciples were reconciled. This Stupa has four octagonal steps with equal sides.

7. Victory Stupa
Built at Vaishali, it is also called the Long Life Stupa as the Buddha extended his life three months.
It has three steps and is circular.

8. Parinirvana Stupa
Built at Kushinagar where Buddha entered Mahaparinirvana. It has no levels. From the vase to the throne it is circular and plain, symbolizing simplicity, Dharmakaya.